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What is RAD140, and why are bodybuilders using it?



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023

As the fitness world continues to evolve, new substances are constantly emerging, promising better results, enhanced performance, and faster recovery times. One compound that has been gaining significant traction among bodybuilders is RAD140, also known as Testolone.

This article delves into the world of RAD140, exploring its properties, the reasons behind its appeal among bodybuilders, and the potential health risks associated with its use.

What is RAD140 (Testolone)?​

RAD140, officially known as Testolone, is a research chemical that has gained attention for its potential in muscle growth and strength enhancement. It falls under the classification of SARMs. When testosterone binds to these receptors, it triggers anabolic processes, strengthening muscle growth and bone.

Compared to other SARMs like Ostarine (MK-2866), Ligandrol (LGD-4033), or Andarine (S4), RAD140 tends to be more aggressive in its muscle-building effects. However, this increased potency can also lead to a higher likelihood of side effects

How does RAD140 work?​

Mechanism of action​

RAD140's mechanism of action hinges on its ability to bind to androgen receptors selectively. These receptors, primarily located in muscle and bone tissue, play a key role in how testosterone influences the body. When testosterone binds to these receptors, it triggers anabolic processes, strengthening muscle growth and bone.

RAD140 mimics this interaction. It binds to androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue but potentially with a reduced affinity for receptors in other organs, such as the prostate and liver.

Anabolic effects​

The selective action of RAD140 on muscle tissue leads to hypertrophy, a process where muscle cells increase in size due to the accumulation of proteins and cellular structures. RAD140 may also stimulate protein synthesis, the body's muscle-building process. It can increase muscle growth and faster repair of damaged muscle tissue after exercise.

Benefits of using RAD140​

One of RAD140's primary benefits is its ability to increase lean body mass. It promotes muscle growth without adding excess fat, leading to a more defined and toned physique, a common goal for bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts.

Its ability to improve strength gains allows athletes to lift weights and perform more intense workouts. By promoting muscle growth and enhancing muscle repair, RAD140 contributes to increased strength over time. The combined effects of increased lean body mass and improved strength enhance athletic performance. RAD140's ability to stimulate muscle growth and repair enables athletes to train harder and recover more quickly between sessions. By promoting muscle repair and reducing recovery time, RAD140 could allow athletes to sustain longer workouts and endure more intense training sessions.

Benefits of using RAD140

Typical dosage and cycle length​

Due to its potency and the need for careful dosing, the typical dosage range for RAD140 is relatively narrow. While individual responses to SARMs can vary, the recommended dosage range for RAD140 in the bodybuilding community is 10 to 15 milligrams per day for beginners and up to 30 milligrams per day for advanced users.

The optimal cycle length for RAD140 is typically between 8 to 12 weeks. This duration is sufficient to achieve noticeable gains in muscle mass and strength while reducing the risk of side effects. Shorter cycles might not produce significant results, while longer cycles can increase the likelihood of side effects and hormonal imbalances.

Proper dosing minimizes the risk of adverse effects and ensures safe usage. High doses can lead to various potential side effects and other health risks. Following a recommended dosage and cycle length helps reduce these risks while achieving the desired results.

Potential side effects​

Some users report gastrointestinal discomfort associated with RAD140 use. It may also influence hormonal balance, potentially leading to mood swings and increased aggression. Similar to testosterone, RAD140 could trigger acne breakouts.

Prolonged use of RAD140 can lead to hormonal imbalances, potentially affecting testosterone production and other hormone-related functions. It also suppresses natural testosterone production, leading to symptoms like fatigue, decreased libido, and erectile dysfunction. The liver is responsible for processing toxins in the body. Some studies suggest SARMs like RAD140 might be hepatotoxic, meaning they can damage the liver. Factors like high doses, prolonged use, and underlying liver health conditions can amplify this risk.

Potential side effects

Safety precautions and PCT​

Importance of safety measures​

If you're new to RAD140, it's wise to start with a lower dose to assess your body's response. This approach helps reduce the risk of severe side effects and allows you to determine the appropriate dosage for your needs.

Adhere to the recommended cycle length to avoid excessive suppression of natural testosterone production and other long-term risks. Avoid extending cycles beyond this range.

Combining RAD140 with other SARMs, anabolic steroids, or substances that affect hormone levels can increase the risk of adverse effects. Stick to using RAD140 alone to minimize these risks.

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) protocol​

Post-cycle therapy (PCT) after completing a RAD140 cycle helps restore natural testosterone production, balance hormone levels, and reduce the risk of long-term side effects. SERMs like Clomiphene Citrate (Clomid) or Tamoxifen Citrate (Nolvadex) work by blocking estrogen receptors, encouraging the body to produce more testosterone, and helping restore hormonal balance.

PCT duration usually depends on the length of the RAD140 cycle and individual needs. A typical PCT lasts 4 to 6 weeks, with dosage and duration adjusted based on the user's response and hormone levels.

Monitoring health markers during use​

Monitoring testosterone, estrogen, and other hormone levels helps assess the impact of RAD140 on the endocrine system. Monitoring liver enzymes can also provide insights into liver health. Elevated liver enzyme levels could indicate potential liver stress.

SARMs can affect cholesterol and lipid levels, so tracking lipid profiles is crucial to assess cardiovascular risk. Regularly check blood pressure to detect significant changes during RAD140 use, as fluctuations could indicate cardiovascular stress.

Legality and availability​

RAD140 is a research chemical, not a regulated supplement. Organizations like the FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) or WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) do not approve it for human consumption. In some regions, possessing or selling SARMs like RAD140 might be illegal. Researching the specific laws in your area is crucial to avoid legal trouble.

Despite the legal ambiguity, SARMs like RAD140 are often available online. The SARM market is largely unregulated, meaning the purity, dosage, and ingredients can be highly variable. There's no guarantee you're getting what you pay for. Products from disreputable sources may contain inaccurate dosages, increasing the risk of overdosing or experiencing side effects.

Research and clinical studies​

A case report published in the Journal of Medical Case Reports associates RAD140 with drug-induced liver injury. The first-in-human phase 1 trial participants reported elevated levels of total bilirubin.

Despite the interest in RAD140, the current research has significant limitations, underscoring the need for more comprehensive studies. Given the limited research, the long-term effects of RAD140 use are largely unknown. This uncertainty raises concerns about potential risks, such as hormonal imbalances, testosterone suppression, or other health issues that may arise from prolonged use.

User experiences​

In an online forum, Marcus, a user of RAD140, shared, "I saw a noticeable difference in my muscle definition within a few weeks of starting my RAD140 cycle. My lifts improved, too."

However, Mark from Reddit had a negative experience with RAD140. According to him, "After a few weeks on RAD140, I started experiencing fatigue and nausea. Blood tests revealed elevated liver enzymes. I stopped the cycle immediately."

Luis shared in the same Reddit thread, "RAD140 made me super irritable and easily frustrated. My workouts felt intense, but I wasn't enjoying them anymore. It's not worth the side effects."

It's essential to recognize that individual experiences with RAD140 can vary significantly. Factors such as dosage, cycle length, personal health, genetics, and pre-existing conditions can all influence how a person responds to RAD140.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Does RAD140 require a post-cycle therapy (PCT)?
Yes. PCT helps restore hormonal balance and reduce the risk of prolonged testosterone suppression. A typical PCT protocol might include SERMs to stimulate testosterone production and prevent estrogen-related side effects.

How long does it take to see results from RAD140?
Users typically report seeing results from RAD140 within 2 to 4 weeks of starting a cycle. These results often include increased muscle mass, improved strength, and enhanced workout performance. While some users may experience rapid gains, others may notice more gradual changes.

Will RAD140 cause testosterone suppression, and to what extent?
RAD140 can cause testosterone suppression, with the extent depending on dosage, cycle length, and individual response. Higher doses and longer cycles increase the risk of significant suppression, potentially leading to symptoms like decreased libido, fatigue, and mood swings.

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