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Unmasking The David Laid Phenomenon: Natural Athlete or Steroid User?

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
You probably heard of David Laid and watched his physical transformation on his YouTube channel. He was one of the bodybuilders with remarkable body transformation in just three years. David Laid was a skinny teenager. As he reached his 20s, he surprised bodybuilding fans and enthusiasts with his ripped and shredded physique.

The Estonian-American bodybuilder became an internet celebrity and welcomed a sponsorship deal with Gymshark. He did not only prove that he was one of the bodybuilders with perfect aesthetics. He was also strong–doing bench presses at 390 lbs and deadlifting at 635 lbs.

Because of his body transformation, many are looking at how he achieved it. Was he using steroids or just natural means?

David Laid Phenomenon

David Laid Background​

David Laid was originally from Estonia but transferred to the US with his mother after his father died. During his early teenage years, he suffered from bullying because he was skinny and had confidence issues. He was even called “chicken legs” for his height of 5’7” but with a weight of 98 lbs.

Getting Into Fitness​

Aside from being skinny, his doctor diagnosed him with scoliosis and advised him to try working out with a physical therapist. However, his main reason for getting into fitness was his confidence issues.

He started training at the gym at 14 and watched YouTube fitness videos of Marc Fitt, Keith, and Kevin Hodge. David gave up playing hockey and started following a diet suited to his new lifestyle. Being skinny also helped him gain muscle mass quickly. His progress made him gain back his confidence and forget about his insecurities.

Physique Transformation Over The Years​

He started documenting his development on social media, where his 18-month transformation went viral. Because of his regular gym visits, he achieved a bodybuilder’s physique and joined amateur bodybuilding competitions. He earned his pro card when he reached 18 and continued building his career in the industry.

David’s social media presence gained praise and inspired the public. His fitness videos earned him a million followers. Because of this, bodybuilding fans consider him one of the top bodybuilders today. He also proved that a skinny man like him could turn his life around by having an excellent and well-built physique.

Understanding The Terms​

His transformation did not escape the controversy of using steroids. Still, he denies these accusations and explains his take on his steroid controversy. David Laid claims that he is a natural athlete. However, some people think that he may be a “half-natty.”

The Concept of a Natural Bodybuilding

It can be possible that David is a natural bodybuilder. In natural bodybuilding, an athlete develops a sculpted and lean physique without the help of any performance-enhancing drugs. Instead, an athlete achieves his figure by having proper nutrition, intense training, and time for rest and recovery.

Natural bodybuilding promotes a healthy approach to gaining muscle mass. Instead of relying on anabolic steroids or growth hormones, a natural bodybuilder depends on hard work, discipline, and lifestyle changes.

Steroids in Bodybuilding Industry​

Sporting organizations banned the use of steroids in bodybuilding for many years now. Not only because it promotes unfair competition but the adverse effects of PEDs impose long-term health risks, including psychological health.

Continuous use of steroids may cause tolerable and life-threatening effects. Some physical changes a bodybuilder may experience are hair loss, acne breakouts, or breast development. On the other hand, its life-threatening risks include heart attack, kidney failure, liver problems, and hypertension.

Misusing PEDs may also affect an athlete’s psychological health. They may experience aggressive behavior, mood swings, hallucinations, and depression. Athletes may become highly aggressive, which sometimes leads to legal problems.

Analyzing David Laid’s Physique​

David earned his physique from training six days a week at a gym. His well-structured program allows him to train different muscle groups during his days at the gym. As mentioned, David became remarkably strong thanks to his high-intensity workout routines.

Diet and Training Routine​

His diet includes non-vegetarian meals that are rich in calories. Maintaining the proportion of his physique and height requires regular training sessions, so his meals need t have calorie-dense foods. Most of his meals consist of fruits and vegetables, while he also consumes sourdough bread, oat milk, and almond butter.

As for his workout, he focuses on training a single muscle group daily. Here is a sample of his high-intensity workout routine.

Chest Exercises:

  • 5 x 5 Incline Bench Press
  • 5 x 8-10 Dumbell Incline Press
  • 5 x 6-8 Flat Bench Press
  • As many reps as possible for another set of incline bench presses and flat bench press

Shoulder Exercises:

  • 4 x 8-10 Seated Dumbell Press
  • 4 x 8-10 Neck Overhead Press
  • 4 x 8-10 Dumbbell Lateral Raise
  • 4 x 8-10 Seated Machine Overhead Press
  • 4 x 8-12 Cable Lateral Raise
  • 4 x 8-12 Front Plate Raise
  • 4 x 8-12 Rear Delt Seated Fly Machine
  • 4 x 8-12 Rear Delt Seated Cable Row

Back Exercises

  • 4 x 6-8 Dumbbell Rows
  • 4 x 6-8 Seated Lat Pulldown
  • 4 x 8-10 Seated Cable Row
  • Close Grip Chin-Up Until Failure
  • 4 x 8-10 Hex Bar Shrug
  • 4 x 8-10 Cable Shrug
  • 4 x 6-10 Lat Pulldown

Arm Exercises:

  • 3 x 6/8/10 Seater Hammer Curl
  • 3 x 15 Bodyweight Dips
  • 3 x 6/8/10 Bar Curl
  • 3 x 6/8/10 Triceps Pushdown
  • Burnout Set of Barbell Curls
  • Burnout Set of Dumbell Triceps Extension

Leg Exercises:

  • 4 x 3 Barbell Squat With Pause
  • 6 x 5 Barbell Squat
  • 3 x 20 Leg Press
  • 5 x 10 Hamstring Curls

This workout routine probably maintained his muscular physique since he had no symptoms of steroid use. When you look at his figure, you will not see blown-up muscles, bloating, or enlarged breasts. However, some of his photos showed bigger muscles compared to previous looks. Having no steroid use symptoms does not mean he is entirely off from steroid use.

Expert Opinions​

According to the YouTube star Phillion, it can be hard to identify whether David Laid is under steroid use. In his video, he mentioned that David developed his legs from having calisthenics and good genes when he was younger. He also said that the bodybuilder could lift high volumes of weight because he was extremely strong and had the assistance of a good coach.

Another opinion came from Kenny Ko, the founder of Natty or Not on YouTube. In his video, he mentioned that what David eats may not provide the strength he needs when preparing for a competition.

For Kenny Ko, David Laid is not a natural bodybuilder since he has the power to lift heavy weights but needs better meals to give him the number of calories he needs. He thinks David may have been a natural bodybuilder when he started lifting but used steroids when his gains grew quickly.

David Laid denies all allegations that he uses steroids. According to one of his interviews, he increases the volume of his routines whenever his pain from previous training subsidies. Because of this, his strength also improves, making him lift more weight.

Legal and Ethical Implications​

All regulatory bodies related to sports established rules and regulations regarding steroid use, primarily if used for performance enhancement. Athletes who test positive can face penalties, disqualification, or forfeiting their previous titles. Using PEDs undermines the integrity and fairness of the fitness and sporting industry since PEDs can give an unfair advantage to those who work hard to achieve strength and performance.

The public also considers athletes who join huge and worldwide sporting events as their role models. When athletes use steroids, it sends a harmful message promoting fitness shortcuts, which may also impose long-term health risks.


David Laid may have used steroids, given he had huge muscle gains early on. However, there is still no legal proof that he had steroid strain in his bloodstream. He never tested positive on any tests. But what he does during his training routine is evidence of why he has a good physique.

Frequently Asked Questions​

What is David Laid’s training regime look like?​

David does consistent training six days a week. His training sessions include progressive overload, where he challenges his body to push to his limits.

Has David Laid commented on the speculations of steroid use?​

Yes, he already had a lot of interviews on different YouTube channels. He denies using PEDs to build leaner muscles and enhance his strength.

Is David Laid’s timeline appropriate for a natural bodybuilder?​

Fitness enthusiasts see David Laid’s fitness timeline unmatches for a natural bodybuilder. From his photos when he started weight at 14, his muscle gains were quite intriguing.
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