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The Liver King Apology Analyzed: Why It Matters to You



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
Controversies often arise in the bodybuilding and fitness industry, especially those personalities who often capture the public's attention. Brian Johnson, popularly known as the Liver King, made waves again in the bodybuilding industry because of his apology.

Johnson's unique approach to nutrition, which includes the consumption of raw animal liver, beef brains, and bull testicles, catapulted him to TikTok stardom. Despite initially denying steroid use, he has now admitted to using steroids.

Examining Brian Johnson's apology is a captivating case study of the evolving landscape of health and nutrition influencers in the age of social media. This article will delve deeper into Brian Johnson's apology and its implications for understanding digital-age health trends.

Liver King

Who is The Liver King?​

Brian Johnson, also known as Liver King, is a fitness influencer and entrepreneur who promotes a primal diet of raw organ flesh, cold showers, and vigorous exercise. As a child, he faced bullying because of his diminutive height. Because of this, he started his fitness journey at a young age and was always interested in alternative health and wellness.

Johnson's rise to fame began in 2020 when he posted videos about his ancestral diet and lifestyle on social media. His content was equal parts intriguing and polarizing, which quickly garnered him a massive following.

Despite the criticisms of his unhealthy and dangerous diet, some people admire his dedication to his diet and lifestyle.

His influence extended to the business world as well. He ventured into the wellness industry by launching Liver King, which includes the Liver King Bar, meal plans, and recipes. These products were aligned with his unconventional dietary philosophy, catering to those who believed in his approach.

The Incident that Sparked the Apology​

There were leaked emails that revealed that Johnson had been using steroids. Derek, a fitness educator with almost 2 million subscribers, posted a video on YouTube. The video, titled "The Liver King Lie," alleged that Liver King had been using steroids for several years.

The video included screenshots of emails Johnson had allegedly sent to someone. The emails showed that Johnson had been discussing his steroid use in detail.

This revelation shocked many and shed light on a previously undisclosed chapter in his journey to wellness stardom. The video quickly went viral, and the public's reaction soon inundated him with criticism.

Before the emails leaked, people were already talking about his steroid use. Additionally, many of his critics questioned the scientific validity of his dietary practices, particularly his consumption of raw animal organs. They argued that these practices lacked credible scientific backing and might even be detrimental to health.

The Apology Itself​

Johnson initially denied the allegations but eventually acknowledged using steroids in a YouTube video apology in December 2022. He stated that he began using them in 2017 when he could not progress with natural bodybuilding. The Liver King claimed he used the steroids to recover from injuries and develop muscle mass under the supervision of a trained hormone clinician.

Liver King said, "I've been on several podcasts, and when asked if I've ever taken steroids, I've always said no, I don't touch this stuff, not going to touch the stuff, never touch the stuff. That was a lie."

He also admitted that he was the one to blame and that what he did was wrong, especially since there may be young men who watched his content. The influencer shared that steroid use has nothing to do with the concept of his ancestral message and is now committed to a natural lifestyle.

Analyzing the Apology​

Given the detrimental nature of the practices he had previously advocated, he had to address the growing controversy. The apology served as damage control to mitigate the reputation damage he had sustained. It is also possible that he was genuinely remorseful for his actions and wanted to apologize to his followers.

Liver King's followers and the public scrutinize the authenticity of his apology as it determines whether they can trust his intentions moving forward. He expressed his commitment to no longer engage in or promote practices that could compromise people's well-being. This commitment aligns with the principles of authenticity and personal growth.

The language and tone of Liver King's apology seem formal and apologetic. He uses words like "lied" and "wrong" to describe his actions and expresses regret for misleading his followers.

Liver King's public relations team probably had a hand in formulating his apology. They would have advised him on the most effective method and language when apologizing. PR experts are skilled in helping individuals and organizations navigate crises and reputational challenges.

Public Reaction​

Many of his loyal fans expressed forgiveness and continued support. They saw the apology as genuine accountability and believed in his commitment to positive change.

On the other hand, skeptical critics maintained their reservations. They questioned the sincerity of the apology, viewing it as a strategic move to salvage his reputation rather than a genuine expression of remorse.

Notable figures in the wellness community also responded to Liver King's apology. Some said they were unsurprised by the revelation and had long suspected he was using steroids. Joe Rogan said he did not look at Liver King as someone who used steroids. Instead, Joe sees him as a guy who works hard for a long time.

The Role of Social Media​

Shortly after the video appeared on YouTube, the hashtag #LiverKingApology trended globally on Twitter. On Instagram, followers directly interacted with influencers, asking about their perspectives on Liver King's practices and the apology's significance. Wellness and nutrition-focused Facebook groups became centers for discussing Liver King's apology, with users sharing articles and videos that sparked extensive debates.

The apology video has now garnered almost 4 million views on YouTube.News articles and opinion pieces dissecting the controversy had collectively reached millions of views and shares across platforms.

Ethical and Credibility Implications​

Liver King lied to his followers about his steroid use. It is a serious ethical violation, as it undermines trust and credibility. His followers may have believed that he achieved his physique from the raw foods he consumed, which they may have also followed. Influencers like Liver King must provide accurate and evidence-based information and practices.

The admission of past steroid use eroded trust among many of his followers. Trust builds credibility, and any breach can have lasting consequences. Because of this, followers and critics alike will most likely reevaluate his unconventional dietary practices.

What Comes Next?​

Liver King has yet to announce any specific accountability measures he will implement. However, he has said that he is committed to being honest and transparent with his followers in the future. The backlash against Liver King has been significant. Many of his followers have lost trust in him, and he has been criticized by many in the fitness community.

The controversy may lead to a broader discussion about the ethics of fitness influencers, the dangers of steroid use, and backing up their content with science. Fitness influencers need to be honest and transparent about their methods. They should also promote healthy lifestyles and avoid promoting unhealthy or dangerous practices.

Why It Matters to You​

Followers who once unquestionably trusted an influencer may feel deceived or misled. It can erode trust and make people less likely to believe what they say. Brands may reevaluate their partnerships with wellness influencers, considering credibility, ethical practices, and evidence-based wellness.

Accepting responsibility for one's actions, as seen in the Liver King's apology, is crucial. Public figures should address controversies promptly and sincerely to minimize damage to their reputation.


Incidents involving public figures, such as the Liver King controversy, can rapidly erode the public's trust. In the wellness influencer ecosystem, credibility is a valuable currency. The incident highlights the significance of wellness practices supported by evidence. Scientifically validated information should take precedence over anecdotal claims.
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Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 5, 2008
Great read.

On a side note has anyone else noticed how militantly they've been pursuing exposing Liver King in the past year?

He's been getting hit by a lot of fitness streamers and guru's who seem to be making their buck off exposing PED users.
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Mecca V.I.P.
Oct 11, 2013
That's because they get views by using his name.
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