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Renee Jewett will help you with your glutes!

  • Thread starter MD Bodybuilding
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MD Bodybuilding

MD Bodybuilding

Well-known member
Aug 6, 2021
Before you watch this glute building video with beautiful Renee Jewett you should know what glutes are.

I'm not sure about you, but when I hear the term "maximus," I instantly think of two things: Russell Crowe's character in Gladiator and the biggest of the three gluteal muscles. You can probably guess which of these is more relevant to today's subject (though, let's be honest, ancient Roman fighters definitely required quite powerful glutes).

What exactly are glutes? The gluteus minimus, gluteus medius, and gluteus maximus are the three sets of gluteal muscles that originate in the pelvis and enter into the femur.

Did you know that "gluteus" is the Latin term for "gloutos," which means "buttock" in Greek? So, sure, this essay is truly about buttocks. The gluteal muscles, on the other hand, do a lot more than merely hang around on your behind. You may appreciate your glutes if you love walking, sprinting, leaping, or just twisting your hip joints!

Minimus Gluteus

The smallest and deepest of the gluteal muscles is the gluteus minimus. Its function is to abduct the thigh and support the hips and pelvis while walking, jogging, or standing on one leg. Furthermore, its front section gives the thigh internal rotation, while its posterior portion gives the thigh exterior rotation.

The Gluteus Medius

The gluteus medius is the middle-sized gluteal muscle, wedged between the gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus. It plays an important role in hip abduction, lateral rotation, and medial rotation. Furthermore, it keeps the pelvis stable from side to side, assisting the gluteus minimus in maintaining the pelvis appropriately positioned during movement and single-leg balance.

Maximus Gluteus

And now comes the moment you've all been anticipating (well, maybe). It's time to discuss the gluteus maximus!

The gluteus maximus is the largest and most developed of the gluteal muscles. It is one of the strongest muscles in the body, combining with its smaller counterparts to support the pelvis and engage in hip rotation. It is important not just in hip abduction and lateral rotation, but also in hip extension, which pushes the leg rearward.

Before we finish, here are some more glute facts!

1. Hormones regulate fat distribution.

Sitting would be quite painful if we didn't have a layer of fat cushioning our gluteal area, but the quantity of fat that individuals have is controlled by their sex hormones. Most notably, estrogen leads biologically feminine people to store fat on their thighs and buttocks. If you're curious in how estrogen and testosterone effect fat distribution in the body, I suggest reading this article.

2. Strong glutes lower the risk of some injuries.

Finally, having strong gluteal muscles helps with balance, posture, and pelvic stability. The enhanced pelvic stability provided by the glutes, when combined with a strong core, may help lessen the risk of a variety of sports-related lower body problems such as hamstring strains, "runner's knee," and shin splints.

There are several exercises that may help strengthen the glutes, including (but not limited to) squats, lunges, bridges, and leg lifts.

3. Gluteal tendinopathy may be caused by overuse and/or inadequate control of the gluteal muscles.

The tendons of the gluteal muscles, particularly the gluteus minimus and gluteus medius, may develop microtears over time, resulting in gluteal tendinopathy—tendon discomfort. This form of overuse injury is often caused by inadequate hip and gluteal muscle control, which puts unnecessary strain on the tendons. Repetitive overloading, for example, may result in tendinosus (a gradual degeneration of collagen fibers in the tendons).

Gluteal tendinopathy may be combined with trochanteric bursitis (inflammation of one of the fluid-filled sacs surrounding the hip joint) to develop Greater Trochanteric Discomfort Syndrome, which causes pain on the buttock(s) and the outside of the hip (s).


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