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A Comprehensive Guide to Testosterone Replacement Therapy



Well-known member
May 22, 2015
If by chance you're feeling out of place, lost, and confused in your battle against low testosterone, the good news is that you're not alone. Approximately 4-5 million men are battling this condition in the United States.

Well, the fact that you're probably not the only one struggling with this condition doesn't entirely make it better, but it can get better with testosterone replacement therapy.

Recent research has shown that testosterone levels start to reduce by 2% every year after the age of 30. Also, in men over 45 years and above, there's a high rate of low testosterone, as high as 38.7%.

This development has caused an increase in physicians and doctors, especially endocrinologists, proffering the solution of testosterone replacement therapy. And truthfully, many men have come forward with reports of how they experienced an improvement in their energy level, mood, and sex drive after undergoing testosterone treatment therapy.

Well, that's only half of it because testosterone therapy can have long-term risks and side effects that aren't specified yet.

Notwithstanding, this article will provide you with everything you need to know on how to go about testosterone replacement therapy.

What is testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)?​

Simply put, testosterone replacement therapy is a type of hormone replacement therapy intentionally created to help rejuvenate healthy testosterone levels in people battling low testosterone.

TRT is almost like how people with diabetes use insulin: they use insulin because the body lacks endogenous production of a compulsory hormone, so it needs to be exchanged with an exogenous source.

However, with TRT, it means the use of exogenous testosterone (injections) to restore testosterone levels to a natural and healthy state. There are other types of prescription for testosterone as well; there are testosterone patches and creams, all of which enter the skin. There's an option for testosterone pills, but it can have a significant negative effect on the liver.

More often than not, most men on TRT today are usually 50 and above, but these days, many proactive young men have taken bold steps to have their testosterone levels checked. You should go for a check-up, especially if you've especially experienced symptoms of low testosterone.

What Causes Low Testosterone?​

There are different reasons why there's a decrease in the testosterone levels of many men. It could be a result of some issues in the testicles, pituitary gland, or brain, these issues can cause your body to release less testosterone than normal. Also, low testosterone can cause health issues such as obesity and diabetes. Oftentimes, treating these inherent health issues can help to increase testosterone levels. However, in critical cases, testosterone replacement therapy is the only way out of low testosterone symptoms.

Symptoms of Low Testosterone​

The symptoms of low testosterone sometimes make subtle appearances, and other times they're quite obvious. Whichever way, when these symptoms appear, it can affect the overall well-being of a man. It even goes as far as reducing one's self-esteem.

And when these symptoms start to get worse, it drains one's purpose and motivation to carry on with life. Below are some of the symptoms that men with low testosterone experience:

  • Decreased libido/sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction (impotence)
  • Low energy throughout the day
  • Loss of muscle mass and strength
  • Increase in body fat
  • General depression
  • Small or shrinking testes
  • Poor concentration (brain fog)
  • Infertility
  • Hot flashes
  • Low red blood cell count (anemia)
  • Brittle bones and general weakness
  • Hair loss (particularly body hair)
  • Sleep apnea (or other sleep disorders)

If there are signs that you might have this symptom, then you're eligible to visit a doctor who will suggest testosterone replacement treatment for you. Notwithstanding, going for the test to confirm your suspicions before you come to any critical conclusion is advisable too.

However, if you're experiencing low testosterone levels without any of these symptoms, you shouldn't try out testosterone replacement therapy.

Diagnosing Low Testosterone Levels​

Low testosterone can be caused by different conditions, hence the reason why some tests need to be conducted by experts before treatment is prescribed. Diagnosing low testosterone levels can be different for each patient. However, the main requirements for diagnosis are checking up on your medical history, analyzing symptoms, and looking at testosterone test results. If your test shows that you have low testosterone, it might need to be followed up with a second test.

After diagnosis, experts can present different options for treatment. Sometimes, you don't have to go all out to undergo testosterone replacement as simple treatments like lifestyle changes can improve the testosterone level.

How Does Testosterone Replacement Therapy Work?​

Generally, what testosterone replacement therapy does is give your body all the testosterone it's lacking to function properly. The male body needs testosterone because it's the primary androgen in the body that affects many biological activities, health, and longevity.

For instance, low testosterone is often connected with an increased risk of some diseases, like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and a myriad of other health conditions.

Also, when you start to experience low testosterone symptoms, your body starts to experience a decline in building muscle mass. Testosterone is a powerful anabolic hormone that has a significant influence on muscle protein synthesis.

When your body can't produce sufficient testosterone, it starts affecting your health, and your health will continue deteriorating until you do something about it. That's where TRT comes in; it provides your body with the testosterone it needs and gradually you'd find those low testosterone symptoms fading away.

Most men come out to give reviews of how their energy levels increased after the TRT. However, TRT doesn't work like magic, in some men, it starts to take effect after 1-2 months.

Forms of Testosterone Supplements​

You can get testosterone replacement therapy in different forms. Whichever one you use, it will still improve your testosterone level.
  • Skin patch (transdermal):​

Androderm is in the form of a skin patch. It can be worn on the arm or upper body. It's to be applied just once a day.
  • Gels:​

AndroGel and Testim are testosterone gels that is rubbed on the skin; upon prescription, it's advisable to apply once a day.
Natesto gel is peculiar compared to the rest, it's usually applied inside the nose.
  • Mouth patch:​

Striant comes in the form of a tablet that's applied in the upper gums just above the incisor. It can be placed on the right or left side of the teeth beside the two front teeth. It's to be applied twice a day to pass testosterone into the blood through the oral tissues.
  • Injections and implants:​

Testosterone can also be passed into the body through injections or implanted in the soft tissues. When this is done, your body absorbs the testosterone into the blood and your testosterone level improves.

As advised by medical experts, the testosterone pill is not ideal as a testosterone supplement because it will have direct contact with the liver and can cause negative effects. The other methods listed above can get into the bloodstream without affecting the liver.

What is the risk of testosterone replacement treatment?​

TRT prescription medication isn't unlike other medications, it can cause some side effects after constant use. On the bright side, the side effects of TRT are not harmful since its purpose is to maintain testosterone levels in the body.

However, if your testosterone level increases beyond normal due to the testosterone replacement therapy treatment, then your doses need to be checked and regulated.

There's a popular misconception about testosterone in today's society because many people think its side effects are dangerous. However, this is not true, especially when it's used in the right proportion. Also, if there's a high intake of testosterone to improve physical performance, then it can have risks and harmful effects such as gynecomastia, infertility, and high blood pressure.

On the flip side, the risks of TRT are benign. You'll see men noticing oily skin, body hair growth, and testicular shrinkage after continuous use of TRT. These effects are not quite harmful, the effects start to fade as the body gets used to TRT.

The Benefits of Testosterone Therapy​

Having considered the risk involved, what benefit can you expect from TRT? Well, it may have different effects in different men but generally, there have been reports of men experiencing an improvement in energy level, sex drive, and quality erections.

Also, the right dose of testosterone causes an increase in bone density and muscle mass in some men. Testosterone has been found to improve mood and eliminate depressive symptoms. It also gives the patient a longer exercise tolerance, reduces body fat, and increases lean muscle mass. These are just a couple of the benefits of testosterone therapy.


Testosterone replacement therapy is a modern solution to low testosterone problems. While knowing fully well the negative effect low testosterone can have on one's total well-being, TRT is available to treat the problem.

But note that if you're experiencing low testosterone without the symptoms, it's not advisable to undergo testosterone treatment. Regardless, a thorough test will be required by experts before the treatment can be prescribed for you.
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Apr 20, 2020
Nice one. I also understand that testosterone tends to be significantly linked to dopamine. In fact, they are bi-directional hormones meaning one will typically impact the production of the other. Notably, low levels of testosterone would mean that one constantly feels unmotivated, unproductive, and even dull. It would mean that their dopamine levels are also low. It is the reason I find working out to be a fundamental need as it ensures that the body possesses the right levels of T and D. Overall, Testosterone could be boosted through therapies in combination with protein diets. T and D are the fluid that powers the body into action.