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Who Was Leo Rex Longevity and What Happened to Him?

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew

MuscleMecca Crew
May 11, 2012
In the digital age we live in now, social media sites have changed the way we get information and get ideas. Leo Rex Longevity has become a shining star in the fitness industry, sharing content about health and fitness. Millions of people have subscribed to Leo's YouTube channel because of these pieces of information and several viral content.

Leo Rex, who called himself a masculinity biohacker and often discussed diet and penis enlargement drugs on his popular YouTube channel, died in an apartment in Pattaya on Monday. No one knows what happened. RIP Longevity.

Even though local police haven't said what killed Rex, the details they have given paint a grim picture that suggests somebody brutally killed the YouTube sensation after a fight.

Who Was Leo Rex Longevity?​

Laith Abdallah Algaz, also known as Leo Rex, was mostly known for being a social media influencer and YouTuber, owning the channel Leo and Longevity. People knew him because he made videos about health and fitness.

Leo was well-known for his out-of-the-box advice on various topics, including innovative supplements, bodybuilding, and penis enlargement. Though not a medical expert, he offered valuable tips on medicines and staying in shape, making him a complete package for gym visitors and fitness fanatics.

He was married to Lucie Colomb but got divorced in 2022. Colomb filed a petition for a restraining order against Leo, saying that Leo engaged in substance and alcohol addiction. She detailed how Leo treated both her and their daughter awfully. According to Colomb, the level of violence increased after Leo discovered they would have a girl instead of a boy as their child.

Leo's Rise to Fame on YouTube​

One hundred thirty-seven thousand people followed the YouTube channel Leo and Longevity of the influencer. His videos were about penis enlargement and had nearly a million views. In the video, he talks about using weights and pumps to lengthen his genitals.

Laith's content included videos about steroids, bodybuilding, fake health information, and strange sexual advice. Many of Rex's videos were full of sexism and seemed to target guys who were not sure of themselves sexually.

Even though he often engaged in podcast-style videos with lifestyle channels, most videos feature monologues about his content.

Tragic Death of Leo Rex Longevity​

On January 30, 2023, Tony Hughes found Leo Rex Longevity's dead body. The authorities found the YouTuber lying on his back with a wound over his left eye and blood coming from his lips and nose. The police said he died for about five hours before his friend found his body.

The news said Leo Rex Longevity was dead in a Bangkok apartment. His death appears to have been the result of several questionable acts. There is a significant chance that somebody may have murdered him.

According to sources, his room has litter everywhere. His clothes were around the room, and cabinets and drawers were all opened. People thought that someone had ransacked his apartment before he got killed.

An unofficial report suggests that Leo's defense wounds on his knuckles show that he got into a fight and defended himself, but it is not likely to cause death on its own. The extent of his wounds is insufficient, and there are no sheets on the mattress, although the pillow has blood all over it.

How Authorities Look at Leo Rex Longevity's Death​

The authorities are looking into the circumstances surrounding his death but have not discovered any evidence of foul play. In addition, there have been no reports of any suspicious activities.

However, the investigation is ongoing, and the investigators seek assistance from people in the area and hotel workers. As a result, the reason for Leo Longevity's passing is a mystery.

Authorities performed an autopsy on the body of Leo, which they brought to the Institute of Forensic Medicine. They accumulated a variety of medications in the apartment, including antidepressant drugs, sleep aids, anxiety tablets, and steroids, among other substances.

How Leo Rex Longevity's Death Affected The Fitness Community​

As a part of the YouTube community, many expressed their reactions to his tragic death. Tony Hughes released a video about finding the YouTube influencer's dead body in the apartment. He denied that Leo Rex Longevity overdosed, leading to his death. Some also said that Leo Rex Longevity lived alone and only spent his days in front of a computer.

The incident drew reactions from the bodybuilding community. Even famous bodybuilders expressed their reactions to Leo Rex Longevity's death. In an episode of the Iron Rage podcast, Lee Priest also gave his opinion.

Fans who had developed a genuine relationship with Leo through his videos have voiced their disbelief and grief, which reflects his significant influence on their lives. The news quickly disseminated through various social media channels, and when it did, it brought an overwhelming sense of loss and despair that reverberated across the fitness world.

What People Think About His Death​

Leo Rex Longevity was not only a well-known figure in social media, but his videos were also sources of information regarding fitness supplements, which many people tuned into to strive to lead better lifestyles.

In several bodybuilding forums, people also talk about his death, stating that he wanted and committed suicide. But there were also bodybuilding enthusiasts who could not believe his passing. People talked and revisited his videos looking for signs connected to his death.


The loss of Leo Rex Longevity has left a deep impression on the community of those interested in physical fitness. His passing has left a void in the lives of those who followed him and others interested in anything about fitness and bodybuilding. Since he frequently utilized medications that directly impact the brain, energy output, cognitive focus, and overall health, people still consider stacking multiple drugs to end his life.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Is Tony Hughes the owner of the apartment where Leo Rex Longevity has been found dead?​

According to some reports, yes. That's why the authorities were also investigating Tony Hughes, aside from the fact that he found Leo Rex Longevity's body.

Why did Leo Rex Longevity leave his hometown in the USA?​

After divorcing her wife in 2022, he transferred to Thailand and continued his social media presence there. His wife filed a restraining order against him. His wife said that Leo Rex Longevity abused her and their daughter.

What were the medications found in his apartment in Thailand?​

The authorities found several medications in his apartment, including antidepressants, anxiolytics, cannabis, steroids, and sleeping pills. Before transferring to Thailand, he had a history of alcoholism and drug use.
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