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Statins in Bodybuilding: What You Need to Know



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
Statins are a class of medications used to reduce blood cholesterol levels. Doctors frequently prescribe this medication to individuals with elevated cholesterol or those at risk for cardiovascular disease. These medications function by inhibiting the liver enzyme responsible for cholesterol production, reducing cholesterol levels in the circulation.

The most common types of statins are atorvastatin (Lipitor), rosuvastatin (Crestor), simvastatin (Zocor), pravastatin (Pravachol), and lovastatin (Mevacor).

Maintaining optimal health is of uttermost importance for bodybuilders. The fitness community has shown considerable interest in statins, cholesterol-lowering pharmaceuticals commonly prescribed by doctors.

As a result of extreme diet and exercise routines, bodybuilders are more likely to develop high cholesterol.


The Effects of Statins on Muscle Mass and Strength​

Cholesterol is a vital component in the body and plays a role in hormone production, including testosterone. Testosterone is essential for muscle hypertrophy, making cholesterol levels important for bodybuilders.

Some statin users experience muscle-related adverse effects. More severe conditions, such as rhabdomyolysis and myositis, may also be present in rare instances. The precise cause of these side effects is unclear, but the influence of statins on muscle cells may play a role.

Statins can deplete coenzyme Q10, essential for muscle energy synthesis. Additionally, they can inhibit the production of muscle proteins. Studies have provided varying results, with some suggesting that statins may modestly affect muscle function, especially in high-dose regimens. Statins can increase inflammation, which can slow muscle growth and repair.

The effect of statins on muscle can vary between individuals. Several factors contribute to these differences, including genetics, overall health, and the type and dosage of statin used. Bodybuilders may use anabolic steroids, growth hormones, or testosterone boosters to counteract the muscle-wasting effects of statins.

How Statins Can Affect Bodybuilding Performance​

Losing muscle mass and strength due to statins may result in declining bodybuilding performance. It may lead to challenges in achieving body composition objectives and maintaining optimal performance.

Bodybuilders may experience a reduced ability to lift enormous weights, perform complex exercises, low muscle endurance, and increased injury risk. It can result in shorter training sessions or the inability to complete a full set of exercises. Some bodybuilders report muscle pain, discomfort, or soreness, which hinders their intensity training routines.

If you're a bodybuilder, you may need to perform more repetitions with lower weights, or you may need to focus on compound exercises that target multiple muscle groups. In addition, bodybuilders may need to increase their protein and carbohydrate consumption to support muscle growth and repair.

Statin featured image

Benefits of Statins to Bodybuilders​

Bodybuilders, like anyone else, require cholesterol to function optimally. It is where statins come into play. By decreasing LDL cholesterol, statins improve cardiovascular health. It can improve blood flow, increase endurance, and decrease cardiovascular risk, ultimately enhancing bodybuilding performance.

A healthy cardiovascular system is essential for bodybuilders. It ensures efficient delivery of oxygen and nutrients to muscles during exercise.

Statins possess anti-inflammatory properties. Bodybuilders may experience less muscle inflammation following exercise, resulting in faster recovery and less muscle discomfort. Some people may experience muscle pain or weakness as a side effect, but this is not general.

Special Considerations for Bodybuilders Who Are Taking Statins​

Balancing statin medication with bodybuilding goals is possible. You should monitor your muscle mass and strength closely. You can do this by keeping track of weight, body composition, and strength training performance.

For bodybuilders taking statins, supplements can be valuable allies. You may mitigate the potential detrimental effects of these drugs on muscle growth. However, it is essential to select the appropriate supplements thoroughly.

If statins are causing significant muscle problems, a healthcare professional can discuss other treatment options with you. They may prescribe an alternative statin or a lower dose. Additionally, they can develop a personalized exercise and diet regimen that suits your bodybuilding goals. They may advise discontinuing statin use if you can achieve normal cholesterol levels through alternatives.

Alternatives to Statins for Bodybuilders​

Lifestyle Changes​

You can manage cholesterol levels with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Your diet should be abundant in fruits, vegetables, and whole cereals. Additionally, you should avoid foods rich in saturated and trans fats. Processed foods and sugary beverages may also hinder muscle growth and performance improvement.

Exercise reduces cholesterol levels and improves cardiovascular health overall. You should strive for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.


Incorporating protein supplements of high quality into one's diet can support muscle growth and repair. Creatine may improve muscle performance, especially during short-duration, high-intensity activities. BCAAs can also aid in minimizing exercise-induced muscle injury and enhancing muscle recovery.

Additionally, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and coenzyme Q10 supplements are essential in muscle recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage.

Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids for better cholesterol levels. When soluble fiber binds to cholesterol in the digestive tract, it also prevents the cholesterol from being absorbed into the bloodstream, lowering cholesterol levels.


Maintaining muscle health and controlling cholesterol levels can be complex and challenging, particularly when taking statins. Some bodybuilders who use statins experience muscle-related adverse effects, such as pain, weakness, and, in uncommon cases, conditions such as rhabdomyolysis, which involves the breakdown of muscle tissue. Regular assessments, however, can help detect any changes early and allow for suitable interventions to preserve muscle health.
Bodybuilders who take statins should keep a close eye on their muscle mass and strength and consider using supplements to counteract the inhibitory effects of statins on muscle growth. In addition to statins, bodybuilders can reduce their cholesterol levels through various lifestyle adjustments.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Can I build muscle while taking statins?

Yes, muscle gain is possible while taking statins. Still, it is essential to be aware of the potential side effects. Bodybuilders who take statins may need to adjust their training and diet to reduce the risk of muscle side effects.

How can bodybuilders monitor their muscle mass and strength while taking statins?

Keeping track of weight and body composition with a scale and body composition analyzer is a method for monitoring muscle mass and strength while taking statins. You may also monitor your performance in bodybuilding based on the number of repetitions and sets you can complete.

What are the alternatives to statins for bodybuilders who have high cholesterol?

Without the use of statins, bodybuilders can reduce their cholesterol levels through a variety of lifestyle modifications. These include a nutritious diet, regular exercise, and weight maintenance.

How can bodybuilders manage the side effects of statins?

Bodybuilders can mitigate the side effects of statins by attentively monitoring their muscle mass and strength. Some bodybuilders choose to refrain from strenuous exercise when beginning or increasing the dosage of statins. It is essential to consult your physician about optimizing your bodybuilding performance while on statins.
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