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Edgard John-Augustin: Triumphs and Inspirations of a Paralympic Champion



Well-known member
Aug 7, 2023
Have you ever wondered what it takes to turn adversity into triumph? Picture this: a Paralympic champion whose journey transcends physical limitations. Edgard John-Augustin is not just a bodybuilder but a Paralympic bodybuilding champion who has defied expectations and shattered barriers in pursuing excellence.

In this article, we delve into the compelling story of Edgard John-Augustin, exploring the challenges he has overcome, the milestones he has achieved, and the lasting impact he has made, both on and off the bodybuilding stage.

Early Life and Background​

Edgard John-Augustin, a resilient Paralympian, entered this world in 1985 in Guiana. His initial three years mirrored any other energetic, carefree child, relishing outdoor play with friends.

However, at the tender age of 4, his life took an unexpected turn. In a tragic incident on a French Guianese highway, Edgard's mother lost control of her car, leading to a devastating crash. The aftermath revealed a pierced back window and a young Edgard, who had lost both his legs. The impact of the accident thrust him into a challenging journey of recovery.

Post-high school, Edgard pursued a BTS, a higher education diploma in France. During this period, he stumbled upon weightlifting, initially turning to it as a stress-relief mechanism rather than a pursuit of physical aesthetics.

Edgard developed a strong interest in weightlifting after seeing his body change amazingly. At first, he didn't care if he had big biceps or abs, but he realized how much the sport had changed his life and accepted it fully over time.

Overcoming Adversity: Accident and Rehabilitation​

Edgard's initial post-accident year unfolded at a specialized center in Paris, renowned for its rehabilitation services for veterans and amputees. At 4, he learned to walk on crutches and later on his prostheses. The absence of typical ankle stability in prosthetic limbs necessitated Edgard's early mastery of using his upper body for balance.

His school life, from primary to high school, was challenging. The stares and bullying from schoolmates became persistent hurdles. However, undeterred, he pressed on and completed high school.

Edgard's family sought further recovery assistance, leading them to Val-de-Marne, a premier rehabilitation center southeast of Paris. Months of dedicated rehabilitation paved the way for Edgard's discharge from the hospital, marking a significant step towards his return to Guiana.


Athletic Career​

Edgard's preference for privacy changed when he connected with a photographer searching for a top-tier athlete with a remarkable physique. This collaboration led to a groundbreaking photoshoot that showcased Edgard in sprinting and standing positions, boldly revealing his prosthetic legs.

The decision to share these images on Facebook marked a turning point as overwhelming positivity and praise poured in from the online community. Empowered by the supportive comments, Edgard harnessed the opportunity to inspire others facing similar physical challenges. The concept of a "Bionic Body" emerged, proudly featuring his prosthetic legs.

Despite his prosthetic legs, he mastered a range of leg exercises, including leg presses, hack squats, leg extensions, and leg curls. Balancing the weight safely, he approached barbell squats and deadlifts with a cautious mindset, acknowledging the potential challenges.

Fuelled by a long-standing dream and encouragement from friends and family, Edgard took a significant step in 2014. He hired a coach and thoroughly prepared for his first bodybuilding competition.


Paralympic Achievements and Competitive Highlights​

Edgard's pursuit of excellence took a remarkable turn in April 2015 when he participated in France's Grand Prix Des Pyrénées. Despite the absence of a designated wheelchair bodybuilding category, the contest director orchestrated an exceptional opportunity for Edgard to stand alongside regular competitors.

The head coach of the French national team extended an invitation to compete in the European Championship. In three weeks, he emerged as the European Wheelchair Bodybuilding Champion in May 2015. Edgard also joined several prestigious competitions, such as

  • 2017 Toronto Pro (Open Bodybuilding) - 10th Place
  • 2018 Toronto Pro (Classic) - 9th place
  • 2018 Veronica Gallego (Classic) - 10th Place
  • 2019 New York Pro - Did not place
  • 2019 Toronto Pro (Classic) - 12th Place

In 2022, he aimed to clinch the title of the undisputed IFBB Wheelchair Bodybuilding World Champion. His relentless spirit and impressive track record made him a formidable contender in wheelchair bodybuilding. He continued competing in the 2023 Pittsburgh Pro, 2023 New York Pro, and 2023 Toronto Pro.

Advocacy and Impact​

Edgard John-Augustin has emerged as a powerful advocate for para-sports and disability rights. He used his Bionic Body Movement to challenge stereotypes and reshape perceptions. His commitment to uplifting others facing physical challenges is evident in his involvement with organizations that champion disability rights and support individuals on their journey to empowerment.

In one of his interviews, Edgard shared, "Ordinary people with extraordinary determination create success. The best way to predict the future is to create it. What's stopping you?"

The bodybuilding champion also joins several charity events like the Riviera Water Bike Challenge. This event raised funds to finance the "Swim for Safety" project, teaching underprivileged kids to swim.

Personal Philosophy and Overcoming Challenges​

The pain and pressure of a prosthesis under the colossal weight of 1,000 pounds during a leg press are indescribable. Edgard delves into the intensity of this experience, acknowledging the heightened discomfort during dieting when the absence of body fat amplifies the pressure on the prosthetic limbs.

A combination of shoulder surgery and the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted his training routine. Witnessing a fading presence on social media added a layer of doubt, questioning whether bodybuilding had concluded for him. However, a fateful encounter with his current coach, Calum Raistrick, marked a turning point in Edgard's career.

The mentoring and advice that Raistrick gave Edgard gave his goal of excellence new energy. The remarkable comeback after the setbacks of surgery and gym closings was made possible by this partnership. For him, "The best way to succeed is always to try again."

Recognition and Honors​

Edgard's unwavering advocacy for para-sports and disability rights has earned him recognition as an ambassador for inclusivity in sports. His efforts go beyond the gym, significantly breaking societal barriers and promoting equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

His commitment to community and charitable work has garnered him the title of a community champion. Edgard's philanthropic contributions and dedication to supporting disability rights organizations showcase his commitment to making a positive impact beyond the competition stage.

Current Projects and Future Goals​

At 38 years old with three children, Edgard John-Augustin emphasizes a commitment to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Prioritizing longevity and well-being, he articulates his reluctance to engage in extreme or risky practices for the sake of competitive bodybuilding. The desire to be a constant presence for his family underscores his holistic approach to fitness.

The prospect of stepping onto the stage at prestigious events becomes a focal point for 2024. Edgard's aspirations extend globally, with plans to participate in the Toronto Pro Show, Dubai Pro Show, and Portugal Pro Show.

One of Edgard's goals is to organize the 4th edition of the Bionic Body Classic in France in 2024. This competition, scheduled for September 2024, holds special significance as it transforms into a Grand Prix, independent of any federation.

Cultural Impact and Legacy​

Edgard John-Augustin's experiences provide valuable insights into accessibility and inclusion in sports. By actively participating in high-profile competitions and advocating for para-sports, he highlights the importance of creating environments that embrace athletes of all abilities. His advocacy goes hand in hand with a broader cultural shift towards recognizing and celebrating diversity, thereby paving the way for a more inclusive future in athletics.

He also joined forces with BoohooMAN, a prominent men's clothing company, to curate an activewear collection titled "Everything Is Possible." The overarching goal is to enhance the comfort and aesthetic appeal of workouts. BoohooMAN emphasizes vital elements, including breathable fabrics and functional fits.

Frequently Asked Questions​

How did Edgard John-Augustin lose his leg, and how has it affected his career?

Edgard John-Augustin lost both his legs at the age of 4 in a car accident. Despite this life-altering event, Edgard's resilience and determination fueled his journey into bodybuilding, where he emerged as a Paralympic champion and an influential figure in the fitness world.

What does Edgard John-Augustin say about resilience and overcoming adversity?

He sees challenges as opportunities for growth and transformation. Edgard often shares motivational messages, highlighting the power of persistence and a positive mindset in facing obstacles. For him, resilience is a personal trait and a philosophy that has shaped his career and inspired others.

How can fans follow Edgard John-Augustin's career and support him?

Fans can stay updated on Edgard John-Augustin's career by following him on his @bionic_body Instagram account, where he shares insights into his fitness journey, training routines, and motivational messages.

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